London-based Anthony West and Josephine Vander Gucht of indie-pop band Oh Wonder and Peckham cafe NOLA share their top picks for coffee shops in London:

Rosslyn Coffee: for the coffee
Visit: 78 Queen Victoria St, London EC4N 4SJ, rosslyncoffee.com

WatchHouse: for the aesthetic
Visit: Multiple locations across London including 199 Bermondsey St, Bermondsey, London SE1 3UW and 37 Shad Thames, London SE1 2NJ, watchhouse.com

Dark Arts Coffee: for the vibe
Visit: 1- 5 Rosina St, London E9 6JH, darkartscoffee.co.uk

Jolene Bakery & Restaurant: for the food
Visit: 21 Newington Green, Mayville Estate, London N16 9PU, jolenen16.com

Pavilion Café: for the sun!
Visit: Victoria Park, London, E9 7DE, wearethepavilion.com